
 Instructions for pictures


In order to guarantee quality sales, we are very demanding on the photos. Here is a list of photos to provide at least for each sale. Additional photos are welcome.


Minimum resolution of 1920x1080 and landscape orientation (horizontal). For outside pictures, position yourself at headlights level. The background must be ideally neutral and uniform (industrial building, open area ...) and free of other automobiles.  


Outside :

     ¾ Front right and left (F/L)
     ¾ Rear (F/L) 
     Driver side 
     Passenger side 
     Photo of each wheel
     Headlights and rear lights
     Defects (if applicable)

Example of a ¾ Front right picture :




     Entire interior 
Steering wheel 
     Gear lever 
     Pedals and rugs 
     Front seats 
     Driver's seat 
     Rear seats (if applicable) 

Example of a complete interior picture :




     Entire engine bay (remove the engine cover if the car has one and if this is feasible) 
     Engine close-ups
     Engine number
     Builder's plate (can sometimes be somewhere else)  

Example of a complete engine bay picture :



Underside :  

     Engine (crankcase) 
     Inside of each wheel 
     Bottom of crates (right and left) 

Example of an underside picture :



Other (if applicable)

     Bodywork defects (bumps, scratches, splinters) (except small chips of gravel on the bumper before, however specify if there is any. 
     Leaks (engine, gearbox) 
     Rust (Check wheel wells, bottom of crates, battery location, windshield bay, spare wheel location etc ...) 
     Alignment faults (bonnet, doors, tailgate etc ...)  

Example of a bodywork detail :



You can order a professional photo session of your vehicle with the Benzin Photo Pack.



Guidelines for videos


Videos are optional but highly appreciated by buyers. It is strongly recommended to provide them in order to reach a maximum sale price. Videos are to be made in landscape orientation.


Description :

Engine idling, film going around the car completely (make sure to include the whole car in the shot). Walk slowly.

Then film from the driver's seat. Accelerate from neutral. To show that the gearbox is working properly, engage and shift the first 2 gears when stationary.

If possible, film a test drive (Attention, the use of the telephone while driving is strictly prohibited by law, have a passenger help you).


A video presentation of your vehicle is included in the Benzin Photo Pack.

Video example : 




Instructions for vehicle preparation


1. Cleaning

Although it seems obvious, it is important for a sale that the presented vehicle is clean. The defects are more visible on a cleaned vehicle, and also gives the image of a vehicle that has been cared for. Many positive signals that allow buyers to bid with confidence. 


     Prefer washing by hand
     Use a suitable body soap 
     Dry the car before taking pictures 
     Clean any traces of water with a microfiber cloth and finishing spray 
     Do not neglect rim interiors (often an indicator of the frequency of washing a car)


     Clear the interior of any accessories or potential waste 
     Avoid at all costs the greasy plastic cleaners: clean the plastics with a damp and warm cloth, then dry with a microfiber 
     If your carpets are in poor condition, it is better to remove them  


2. Maintenance

Let's break open doors, but a vehicle that has been recently serviced sends a very positive signal to buyers. This shows that the vehicle has been treated well by the seller and that it is not only intended to be resold quickly.

A recent service means at least:


     An engine oil change of less than 6 months (for gearbox and differential less than 2 years old) 
     Brake pads and discs having less than 75% wear
     Tires with less than 75% wear
     A control of the filters and their replacement if necessary



Ready to sell?

Fill  our form  and sell your vehicle in the most beautiful way on Benzin.